Tom Tulley
Monday, 31 January 2011
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
An award!
Heidi from Bord and Butik has very kindly passed on this award. I'm supposed to share 7 things about myself!
1: We named our daughter Amy, nice name and one that could not be shortened.....I end up calling her Ames a lot, maybe not shortened but lengthened? I think I've got a thing for calling people anything but their actual name.
2: I seem to be a tidy person. If you came my house you would think so. Clever cupboards, nice cupboards, I just throw everything in and close the door then every so many years have a tidy up, behind closed doors.
3: I'm a brown sauce girl (Daddies), not a red sauce girl! (ketchup)
4: I always wanted a proper Paddington bear and bought one when I was pregnant with Amy. It was supposed to be for the baby, but was really for me. I told Amy this recently and she said not to worry as the Doctor Who book I had for Christmas was really for her.
5: I hated every minute of my driving lessons but they have to be done, means to an end. We now drive an automatic, stop go, stop go. So simple yet not so common in the UK as elsewhere. Why would anyone want to make things harder when there is an easier way, the car does it for you.
6: Soggy toast: Can't stand soggy toast, it has to be hot and slightly well done. I used to love the 'doorstops' we used to toast on my nana and grandad's open fire, bliss. The worst toast, soggy, was given to me after I had Amy. Thanks NHS, no food all day, then soggy toast! I always said if I had another I'd take food in for after the birth, I was starving.
7: Untrodden snow, so've just got to run around in it! If I see untrodden snow I get an urge to leave footprints and mess it up. I did that on my dads drive recently and he told me off 'In case I slipped'. Got my wellies on dad.....chill out! Amy just said 'wow, I did'nt know grandad tells you off like he does me'. He worries too much.
Thanks so much Heidi. Now this is the bit where I can't chose, so many lovely blogs......
Monday, 24 January 2011
Leny's giveaway
Sunday, 23 January 2011
I married a Count!
Today is our wedding anniversary, 14 years, but its also 24 years exactly since we met, eek! We got married in the Monte Carlo hotel, Las Vegas. Crikey when I look at the photos.....hubby looks like Bela Lugosi. Mind you I do have a thing for vampires and they are quite fashionable and sexy now.
Just look at my hair, wow thats what colour it was, I'd forgotten. I'd also lost a lot of weight but eventually lost more. I made the dress but went off it but as the wedding was more about other things it did'nt really matter.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Keeping out of mischief
Our house is a very, very little 1930's semi that we modernised, did up should I say. The conservatory was the last to be built and by that time, after a year, I was all pooped out in the decorating department. We don' use it too much in winter so I think the decor needs to be more spring/summer, makes sense!
Modern TV's....nowt you can do to make them look more, pleasing? Hubby was in my summerhouse the other day, wiring some tree lights up and he commented on how pleasant it felt/looked. Thats the look I'd like to go for but maybe a bit more toned down!
Last year I had my summer house as a project and this year its the conservatories turn. Its very hard to have some kind of decor/theme going on, hardly any walls, so cushions will play a big part. If you have a gorgeously decorated conservatory, do tell, I'll love to see what you've done to it.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
A monthly Make 2011

Monday, 10 January 2011
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Reasons to be cheerful.....