Saturday, 31 December 2011
Happy Here and Now
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Have you had a nice Christmas?
Monday, 19 December 2011
Christmas time....
Sunday, 18 December 2011
The senses of Christmas....
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Mrs Laalaa's giveaway!
Monday, 28 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Monday, 7 November 2011
Land Girls, series 3
Bingle Bears giveaway
Monday, 24 October 2011
Fleur, a new bear
Friday, 14 October 2011
Kelly's fabulous giveaway....
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Natwest offer some free Help!
Friday, 23 September 2011
Toadstool House giveaway
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Schools out for ever!
I know lots of bloggers have children starting or going back to school and lets face it, it feels very much like we're doing the starting or going back. Amy was only just 16 a few weeks back and starts college on thursday. Oh for the building to look like this one, Clifton college but its a year old sixth form college. Her secondary school was also a brand new building.
We went for her interview the other week and I'm so happy (think Amy is LOL) that she is going to be doing three years instead of the usual two. I feel as if we've got back a year stolen due to her being so young. If she had been born one week later she'd be in her last year of school.
So lets hope any of 'us' who are starting school, college, university survive the week!
Line up in a straight line, walk don't run, it will soon be friday night.....

Sunday, 28 August 2011
Typical bank holiday sunday
Well being a typical sunday on a bank holiday weekend, ie rubbish weather, I decided to watch Glorious 39. I had it on my player from a few weeks back. Well I really enjoyed it, hubby stopped watching as he said it was too 'jolly hockey sticks' LOL but the scenery, costumes and just general look was very much my thing in a movie. Of course the player had not recorded the last few minutes but You Tube to rescue. In fact you can watch it all on there, split into 13 parts. Just google it and you can find plenty of trailers to give you an idea of what its about.
Something else I enjoyed and again starring Romola Garai, is The Hour. Although there were some liberties taken with modern expressions in the lines (so they say, I was too busy just watching it) again I enjoyed something set in another era. They are going to do another series so good, good, good!
Catch them if you can!
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Birthday girl and Dr Pooh
Tomorrow is my daughter Amy's 16th birthday. Here is the cake she made herself last year. This year she was'nt fussed on a party so we've had a meal out today as I'm working tomorrow. Shes a great daughter and no trouble at all, I think we've got away lightly over the years! We're all still enjoying the extended summer as shes finished school. Normal bear service will resume in the autumn as family life takes a slightly new direction.
Don't you just love this T-shirt design? Well perhaps you don't if you're not a Dr Who fan! I've just ordered one for my daughter here at Just use the code blogtorwho to get a small discount.
A shout goes to a fave blog for letting me know about it.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
What a few days....weeks....
Can you believe the news? I hope you are all safe out there.
Its been a funny old time here at home. I feel like I've been on an extended holiday. My daughter finished school so plenty of lie ins and general mooching around. I've even been lazy in my summerhouse, no bearmaking until Autumn.
I'm not much of a cook or baker but have really enjoyed making sushi and seeing as I'm the only one who likes it, eating it.
The kits are a bargain from B&M, 99p. You just need fillings like the cheap smoked salmon bits from Tesco or crab sticks. Everything else is included and each kit makes approximately 32 sushi as you get four seaweed sheets . I just cook all the rice, split everything into four and freeze the other portions. Anyone else like sushi?
Friday, 22 July 2011
Pretty Little Jewels giveaway
Juli at Pretty Little Jewels is having her first giveaway! Its a lovely girly giveaway so if you fancy a bit of pampering, check her out.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Time really did fly....
Like many of you Mollie Makes has been a lovely magazine to collect. I say collect as its one I like to come back to, even the adverts look good! A few weeks back it was mine and a friend's birthday. Kay is a fellow bearmaker under the name Katie Country Bears and I always try and make something for her. She sends me really thoughtful gifts so its always nice to think of new things for her. Here is a brooch I made using the kit in issue 2. I hope you like it.
Time flying? Yep that time of year and I've been lucky to have been away to Tunisia. I find in the few weeks before and after there are so many things to do of the most boring or tedious nature. Thats YOU ironing pile! Yes I do think of it as a living thing, because it seems to grow....and if hubby says one more time 'have you ironed this?' .....when I have....well then it will be a cry of 'I was provoked ma Lord, diminished responsibility.....
Friday, 10 June 2011
Everything stops for tea....
As a present for a friend I made one of these teacup pincushions. I managed to get three teacups for a £1 in the charity shop, smaller sized, so they did the job beautifully. Anyway, saying that I sew a lot my pincushion was a bit of foam! So I made the Hello Kitty one for me. It has come in very handy as my next sewing project is handsewn, a present, so I can't say too much yet.
Do you like the little chap above? I used to make miniature bears, he is 3" tall. A clue to my next idea.
As for everything stops for tea....its coffee for me, I can't stand tea to drink, but don't mind strawberry tea to dye my fabric!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Monday, 30 May 2011
A change is as good as a rest?
Well where did that month go? So much 'seems' to be going on.... there has been a massive change in routine at home. The last few weeks have been hectic work wise but that has now gone back to normal. The other big change is with my daughter Amy, she is doing her last few weeks at school, so is in an hour here and there for the lessons she still has exams for.
Then theres my dad who has just come out of hospital, a knee replacement. Its usually dad that runs me errands, helps with Amy, as her school is near to their house. My turn now!
So my poor bears and Blog have been very neglected. I still try to pop on by Blogland and one of my favourite bloggers was having a mega giveaway. Yippeeeeee, I was a winner and Annie could not have been more generous. Thank you Annie.
Please pop over and see her, shes got a wicked sense of humour and I love reading her Blog.
Next change.....we have being going our local gym for over 10 years, found out this morning they are closing for 12 weeks while they have a total refit and change of brand/company. So need to find another gym in the meantime. Mind you the fee will be going down by half! £9.99 a month which is great value.
So is change as good as a rest? Not bloomin likely!
Friday, 22 April 2011
Happy Easter
Well can anyone one remember such a nice UK Easter? Not even a nasty cold will stop me enjoying this one. April makes.....a bit of bunting! With all the pale pink blossom then the black accessories in the garden, a pair of black and pink polka dot pyjama bottoms got cut up. Jollies it all up and goes rather nicely.
And because I've felt lazy, a bunny I made a couple of years back. Gotta have bunnies at Easter! Although we've got some robins visiting the garden...'ya don't go with the season or decor, come back in 9 months!'
My tree at night, the blossom looks like snow. The seasons sure do get mixed up around here.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Buddy and what a weekend!
Hi everyone...hope you've had some glorious weather. I've had a really good weekend, staring friday with LaaLaa's giveaway, then a charity Zumbathon.
Yesterday we spent the day and night at our local town, it only cost £9 to stop at the Travellodge so was cheaper than a taxi, lots of wine, chatting and a rather good curry to finish off with.
Then today, well, BBQ!!!! Yay, its so nice to sit as a family, have some lovely food and a good natter. Then fall asleep on the sunlounger :) Poor Buddy had to wait a bit as it was just too nice to be indoors, I hope you like him.
Enjoy the rest of the evening or day if you're further afield!
Friday, 8 April 2011
Laa Laa's giveaway

Look what I got! The lovely Lynda of Hookin' with LaaLaa had a great giveaway and I won. I'm so pleased, hubby agrees how lovely everything is. The bear below was made by a friend, I've now re-christened him Stanley. Lynda made the fine needlepoint brooche and also the Stanley keyring. A massive thank you to Lynda, its a lovely treat.