I've realised in the last few weeks I'm kind of lost with my bearmaking. As I don't collect bears I can take a step back from them, in other words I love to make them and see them go off to people who like what I do. Thats what I enjoy, but....I think I've been torn towards what collectors like and what I like. Theres the problem, I don't know what I like, I don't collect! I've always been flitting from one thing to another, never quite seeing things through. Well after a little thought and a lovely honest conversation with another maker, off I went to my work cupboard and....I've done, well half done, something that I like and hopefully the collectors will want to own. Its got a sort of vintage 50/60's look, I like that, its miniature and cute, collectors seem to like that, and has a very subtle cartoon/anime look. What a dolly mixture! Well I'll get it done for tuesday and put it on ebay as a 5 day listing, to see what reaction it gets. If no one likes it then I guess I've got a bear that I like and I finally become a collector! LOL :)
Waterbirds and Daffodils
A jug full of bright yellow daffodils are just the thing for cheering up a
cold, grey and dreary day.
We saw quite a few interesting water birds on yest...
3 days ago
Let me see him, please..... Amanda I completely understand what you are going through. Although I do have a few antique bears I don't collect, but for some reason I think all artists go through a phase of being lost, sometimes it is just a case of evaluating who we are now and not who we were as artists before especially when returning back after a break. Create from what is within you now, how you feel and from what is in your heart now, not where it was. This way your bears will shine through for the beautiful creations they are and collectors will love them too...... gosh thats very sentimental for me
lots of love
Thanks ever so much MJ. I've realised something was'nt quite right when I came back to making bears. I did think they had moved on and were better than the ones from years back but...something was missing, me...what I wanted. So I made a computer folder and saved every bear picture that appealed to ME, every colour, computer graphics, anything. I then wrote down what I wanted and my little dolly mixture bear came about. Of course its not one thing or another really but it ticks all the boxes, so cross fingers, collectors will like it. I'll be posting a picture later when I've finished it. Dilly Dolly Mixture!
Hi, as a bear artist just starting out I kinda know what you mean. I'm just trying to find my own style. I think you're doing the right thing in combining certain key things that you like and I'm sure that the bear you're making will be wonderful with all these ingredients! Just go with what you feel and I'm sure if you like others will too! I can't wait to see it! Hugs Ginie-Lee :-)
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