Well I still have'nt even considered making any bears, its too hot! I did a crazy thing yesterday and did some intensive gardening, in that heat? Only mad dogs and Englishmen.......

That said I do enjoy making my bears and would hate to 'have to make them'. I'm lucky at the moment, my 'real' job is doing OK, the weather is lovely and hopefully nice weekends out and away soon. I do think when the sun shines in Britain its the best place to be.
Lets face it, I'll be bored soon, it will rain, so.......bears!
Catch you all later.
Hi Amanda! Same thing here in Alaska. We are having weather in the 80's this week... and it is heaven. Not too much getting done in the bear department...But as you said, rainy days will come again, and the teddy bear fur will come back to the priority list. Enjoy! Hugs from Vicki
Hi Amanda, glad you're enjoying the weather, like you said , got to make the most of it while you can! And yes I agree England is the most beautiful place to be when the sun is shining!!
Hugs Ginie-Lee
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