Well we've just been town and 'bought' some Yankee candle tealights. I love them but they are'nt the cheapest things. Hubby had seen the Debenhams £5 voucher, printed a few off and it meant they ended up 99p! No minimum spend, just one per customer and email. With gmail if you put a . in the wrong place of your email address it still gets sent to your email, so extra vouchers! We just went to different tills. Plenty of people were using them. I don't feel too guilty, I've certainly spent some money in Debenhams over the years.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Bit early but......
Has anyone else noticed how red the holly berries are this year? A bumper crop and as we don't seem to get many birds here (too many cats) they'll make the most wonderful Christmas display.
Look what I got today! Its a goose feather Christmas tree from Dotcomgiftshop. It was reduced to £8.95. I love these type trees and I hope to get some vintage inspired baubles to go on it. Talking of holidays and Christmas, I'm busy doing bears for the online Christmas show, more about that later.
Ta ta for now, enjoy the half term for those with children.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Magazine swap
Floss from Troc, Broc and Recup' organised a magazine swap. My partner was Barbara from Moveable feasts who is a real foody, check her out if you love cooking.
Then Heidi from Bord & Butik and I became partners too. She was very naughty and sent three magazines!
Its a lovely way to get to know people and have the chance to get your hands on something different. Thanks to everyone involved.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Here is my latest bear Norman. We're having a bit of late summer here in the UK this weekend, its gorgeous outside. Then the leaves are falling off the apple tree and my holly tree is covered in red berries, what season is it? Lets make the most of it!
Monday, 4 October 2010
Versatile Blogger award
Before I went away, Lynda from Hookin' with LaaLaa kindly gave me this award. I now have to list 7 interesting things about myself! Eekkk, here goes......
1: This was my first teddy. My mum and dad bought him for my first Christmas, 1968. I loved soft toys, and when I was older I used to have a rota of which toys were in bed with me. Although I now make bears, I don't really collect them, I just like to create them.
2: The best day of my life was when I passed my driving test. I was on cloud nine all day. Shhhh....don't tell hubby or daughter, weddings and births usually figure as the best days!
3: I'm a ginger! Yep, its official, once a ginger kid, always a ginger kid. OK its a lot lighter now, bits of grey, hair dye to hide said grey, but I'm still a ginger LOL
4: I once went over a year without chocolate, just to see if I could. Its seems to have made me immune to its charms now and I hardly ever eat it.
5: Lynda has a nut allergy, mine is rabbits. I start sneezing, my eyes itch and my breathing is laboured. When doctors ask if you have any allergies.....its very tempting to say....yes, rabbits! I just say no and hope never to be surrounded by an irate warren of rabbits.
6: I'm very shortsighted, -9.5 and -10. I wear contacts and have done for years. For my driving test I memorised two number plates nearby before the test, OK I can see but just in case.....